Jun 28, 2004

Persian Readers only !!

just one day after posting "English Bus" here I wsaw this on the rear window of an Iranian Paykan-typed in Latin Letters ofcourse-

did you ever know ...

...you may have 1578 Friends of Friends ?

Jun 27, 2004

Books and Lives

Red Alert
...and much more

why are our lives containing everything you may think just in books you can find ?

- because we are living in 3rd world!
- oh Thanks SJ !

what is who ?

World Health Organization

English Bus ( Persian Readers Only )


Jun 26, 2004

Have you ever thought ...

why every post here has a second version?
if yes the sense is mutual!


For a better world we care!

-how ?

-non of your business!it's our business!


I'm just sorry we had too much Slangs Today.
these pop-ups have really fucked me !

Just for you!

You who have nothing else than reading my blog.
Here's some suitable fun Designed just for you to waste your time a better way.

Compose Expressions with the Following Phrase, ofcourse you've read it somewhere before!!!



Fuck the pop up
Fuck the pop up
Fuck up the pop

Best Expression may win a good fuck and I'm NOT Responsible for the meaning you may get!

Fuck Pop...

- "?!@*" Art?
- "?!@*" Corn?
- "?!@*" Music?
- "?!@*" khanandeye!!!!?
- "?!@*" ...ularity?
- "?!@*" ...ulists?

- UP!

F or M ? (II)

-"I'm Polite" Good luck!

Still 100 ?

Hey , Come on!
Remaining 100 is not that exciting...


Why Is 100 Even more Exciting than 101?
anyways there's been 100 visits since I'm here!

I'm not useless ! ;)

I can finally see my blogs has been useful someway.
anyway babak is around with "New Look, Same Great Taste"!!!

Goodluck !

Jun 22, 2004

For a better World we care..


how? non of your business !

hey stop ringing ...

He's guided me to a new network on Orkut, Customers can wait ;)

Passion of Christ

you know I don't think it was a religious Movie and it was the way I liked that.
I don't care it's true coz' it's been just as in the Bible.
I think it was true as it was showing Humanity Crossifed by Religion.

knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door...

- who the Hell is that ?
- I heard there's a party around!?
- Go to Hell and leave me alone!
- thank God!

How lucky we've been...

Orkut is Banned in UAE.

No news, Good news

and the news is all sites are banned,good news ?

Jun 19, 2004

Designer's Trick (Harmful for my customers, Never risk reading)

Never forget to leave a CLEAR MISTAKE (mistyping is recommended) in your design when you're sending it for the customer, this way your design will remain the way you like it and they will just warn you about the Mistake.

Good Luck ! ;)

Botanists Cheat or Botanists' Cheat

The can always be a winner in Loves me, Loves me not !


Hey, Seems we're getting googleized, Search, Mail, Blog, Friends, where's the food please ?

Deputy Manager's Office or Where the colors mean Design

Him : U know , I know He won't Like this one. Once I heard he Liked a Green Bochure so much and yours is Blue, Don't u think we can make a better design to satisfy him?

Me : yes, ofcourse I'll send you some more designs [fuck you! you just take this to him please!]

Evil Gates!

a friend told me he's sent a gmail invitation to my hotmail inbox
and right now I can't login !

Measuring Jokes!

I was reading about a system developed to measure how funny a joke is!
I remembered what Mr. Keating - oh Captain,My Captain-was saying about measuring poetry.
Dead poets Society or this one

Minimal Car

It's long time I'm thinking of a minimal Concept in Car Design,
Can it Happen ?

Jun 18, 2004

Customer's Language -the Designer's Version-

Lesson 1: "Ofcourse you've got better Ideas" Means I want to fuck up the Logo you've designed

Lesson 2: "You know it's just for the start we've got much to do together" Means you should not think of any money here

Lesson 3: "what if it was Green here ?" Means Forget about all you've done and simply do what I say.

Lesson 4: "Good, It's about 50 percent what I want" Means I'm a kind Boss.

To be Continued ...

Jun 16, 2004

Attractions of Orkut

it's surprisingly Attractive, I suggest you try it yourself.
and my friends please find me there ;)

See you


as you should wake up early in the morning Disconnect it NOW and go to sleep.

Jun 15, 2004

Jun 14, 2004

Art, Luck or what ?

Artsitic, Dramatic and Amazing.
what if all these had happened before 90'?

Jun 13, 2004


Some Brains don't work.
and some don't work much.
and some work so much and it's where you should look at the owner.

anyways, once again an Analyst's Brain has worked too much and has Found Orkut is an American site to get information on Iranian Genius Students Like me! ;)

The article is here:
  • The Article about Orkut In Farsi
  • Options

    If you are to choose between "Aeroplane" and "Railway"
    you should choose "railway"

    The Supreme Leader


    A)"Airways" Or "Train"
    B)"Railway" or "Camel"
    C)"Chaloos" or "Bus"

    Ask The Leader to get the right Option.


    Once there were just sexy girls
    now we've got sexy Cars, Sexy Houses, Sexy Colors, Sexy Ideas and much more...
    hey , how about a sexy God?

    Jun 12, 2004

    Seize the day ....

    ...And Sleep.


    A male Turkey asks a Female Turkey "Is it Acceptable?"
    and the Female Turkey Replies "it is not acceptable".


    Poems Everybody !


    I already smoked
    All the cigars I should


    I already found
    Enough dreams I can


    Your heart and wait
    For what I do


    Your last sign of me
    When I’m just gonna


    Your tears
    And don’t let me know you


    Your love
    And don’t let me


    What you always
    Wanted to



    Help me for "NAME AND FAME - PART II"

    NAME AND FAME (Part I )

    Bertrand Bertrand
    Merlin Monroe
    Charles Chaplin
    Tim Burton
    Jim Jarmusch
    Zinedin Zidan
    Jeanne d'Arc
    Nicole Kidman
    Ernesto Che Guevara
    Sean kanry
    Alen Delon
    Calvin Klein

    To be continued ...

    Jun 11, 2004

    EVE !

    What a sexy Champanzee !

    Adam and Eve and the Rest

    Once Upon a time in Hell they dreamed Heaven,
    and after years of dreaming they could forget where they were,
    and sentenced some to Hell


    Find the one who needs Advice.
    Please !


    When I smoke, my cigarette smokes.
    as I'm Smoking my cigarette then why or who is my cigarette smoking ?

    Jun 10, 2004

    VOTE !

    Will Shakira and Ricky Martin be a nice couple ?

    Welcome to the Hotel California !

    Don't really like to disappoint you,
    But it was the "Andy Version", Sorry !

    Is there ...

    anybody in,
    out there ?


    Mirrors have not been so usual when Cinderella was being shaped I think.
    who may think of how they affect our self confidence these days ?

    Mr. Cohen!

    what will you look like after you're danced ?

    Fidel says about che !

    Something funny Castro had said speaking about Che.
    the translation had destroyed it I guessed what the original text has been.
    He said our enemies had make jokes about Che while he was with us as the Head of our Econimics minitry. the joke was:
    an advertisement was publishe as "ECONOMIST NEEDED" and che thought they said "A Communist Needed" and he got the job !

    nothing...just remembered that when I typed a Typist neede ! ;)


    Just now I can find what the attraction of blogging is ,
    you know since I left my first word here I've always come back to find a second word not mine !

    Jun 9, 2004

    Jun 8, 2004

    GOT IT !

    Neocracy, Iran's political system can finally get a name !
    Please let me know if such a name has been existing before!!