Jul 31, 2004

Poetic Concepts

just when I have nothing to say I remember these two poetic concepts I've been loveing for years:

First By Leonard Cohen:
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of ...
and the other a song by Farhad:
زير اين سقف اگه باشه مي پيچه عطر تن تو
 لختي پنجره هاشو مي پوشونه پيرهن تو 
the translation is not poetic as the poem itself but anyway it says:
all around our nest, your body smells
and our naked windows, your shirt covers....
Let me say no more about them now , maybe some other time ;)

Jul 29, 2004


I Love You in the morning
our Kisses deep and warm...

I Love You in the evening
Kisses deeper and warmer...

I Love You in the Midnight

Poor Ants...

They Never Understand what life is just work, work, work!
Poor Us ...

Jul 25, 2004


ok I'm back
It was heaven
but the ones there thought it was where we'd come from...

what do you think ?

Jul 21, 2004


I'm gonna take a trip, it's about 3 years I've never been out.
work, work, work
you know I'm a bit nervous, just like a prisoner getting out after years.
anyway , see you when I get back after these 3 days after 3 years!!!

Jul 19, 2004

Dear Valued User !

yes! I am that
Access To this Site is Forbidden ....
oh, thanks
once there was news about a list of forbidden Sites, nowadays I think it's a bit difficult to have such a list, u'd better have a list of sites not forbidden and it will be something like this:
Yahoo (partially open! most banners are Blocked!)
I think that's enough nothing important you may find on other Sites such as IRIB or IRNA.
Hey, why do we call it Internet? let's have an Intranet then!

Jul 17, 2004


You've got a message from a member of Orkut a FW:FW:FW:FW:FW message ofcourse saying Don't Join Orkut it's eveil they will get all information about you ,they will know how you look and what you eat and ... and they will kill you!
OK, thanks you care about my privacy but what are you doing here ? 

Jul 15, 2004


Mr. khatami is counting the reason His man is the best to be the minister of the new ministry which is supposed to bring us Social Security!

Now Listen
Mr Khatami Said Development would be a scandal without Justice, and Justice Is a dream without Social Security!

An Advice to the Dear Advisors to the president:
Please Let Him Know what development means or let other people know more about Justified and Unjustified development!

ok! let Him go on ...

He has had 3 years of experience in Social Security!

ok! ok! it may have been a mistake by the operator of the news agency, when the president has said that with such a self confidence it's atleast 30 years I know!

you know where these long 3 years of experience began?
when the President sent him to the Social Security Organization as the BOSS!

you know right now I belive that when I wake up tomorrow I will be socially Secured!!!

stll like the full story? It's here anyway...

Jul 13, 2004

Hot news on the way for Iran

-Bin Laden associate surrenders.


-Saudi Embassy, Tehran, Iran

-Have Fun!

Full Story Here


and about the last post containing a phrase "unsuitable womens' wear" let me remind you unsuitable doesn't mean they are not comfortable but it means they don't suit Islamic rules, and they are mostly more comfortable. ;)


Police attacked Shops Selling Unsuitable womens' Wear, perhabs they've been sexy, but I'm thinking nothing is more sexy than a bra, they should stop shops selling bras, shouldn't they?
read the full story here.

Jul 8, 2004

but the pain lingers on ...

Blood, Broken Doors, Guilty Boots, and Hurt Hearts.
you didn't sleep after that for nights and days and didn't have time even to notice your anger till you remembered the night laying down on your bed looking at the cracks of the roof and the boots broke the door into your dorm and you'll remember...

do you remember ?

Jul 7, 2004

Make your life Extra ordinary...

And then Try hard to get it back to Normal,
don' worry, you may succeed, you may! ;)

Jul 5, 2004


I'm just a small boy ! ;)
But I hate Small Minded Peolpe.
Don't Come around, I beg you all!

Jul 4, 2004

Godfather Died...

He was great just as I think real godfathers Immitate Him and they can't be a real Godfather as he was.

Poor Godfathers, they can never be him ! Never the Most Favorite Godfather atleast!

Jul 2, 2004

Internet is Bad!

"a boy made an online friendship with a girl, He said he is rich and then he stole a car and went to her house and asked to marry her, He took her and her family and showed them a shop and said it's mine and ... . but now he is arrested and the girl is really disappointed"
the summary of a full page of a daily newspaper about 2 years ago
you saw how internet was completely playing the role of Lucifer here!
It was making people to steal cars, tell lies and disappoint Girls !!!

and now Orkut is bad !!!

I'm not talking about google's Information business if it exists at all, but the reasons I've read and heard are really funny again!

Love like you'll never be hurt!

I thought it could be replaced with "Make Love like it never ends"
as I don't know what happens then, you will probably die! ;)


I love these boxes with a huge warning on, this one was great. It's different and artistic. I purchased this one! ;)

Civil Society

something invented by Iranian president Khatami,
nobody in the world could think a society can be civilized, but he succeeded making such a great combination.
nowadyas tourists come to Iran to see the results, ask them for more information.

After the post "Civil War" many were confused about the smiliarities and differences between a civil war and a civil society, this was just to clarify the meanings

Civil War

happens when the sides are civilized enough to kill each other in a civilized way.