Jul 15, 2004


Mr. khatami is counting the reason His man is the best to be the minister of the new ministry which is supposed to bring us Social Security!

Now Listen
Mr Khatami Said Development would be a scandal without Justice, and Justice Is a dream without Social Security!

An Advice to the Dear Advisors to the president:
Please Let Him Know what development means or let other people know more about Justified and Unjustified development!

ok! let Him go on ...

He has had 3 years of experience in Social Security!

ok! ok! it may have been a mistake by the operator of the news agency, when the president has said that with such a self confidence it's atleast 30 years I know!

you know where these long 3 years of experience began?
when the President sent him to the Social Security Organization as the BOSS!

you know right now I belive that when I wake up tomorrow I will be socially Secured!!!

stll like the full story? It's here anyway...

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