Dec 31, 2004



Nothing ...

Just will someday people living on our earth find some reasons for Noah Story ?

U bet this one's greater than the story and it's reality and it's the planet shake,
the earth! the Whole!

when was the last time "TIME" had changed? anyway I don't know ask the scentists,
BUT the quake has changed the time! DO u belive we've got shorter days now ? yeah, for two minutes but I think it often takes milions of years to happen, but it happened last week, in a second......

I wrote too much but .......


Coverage here

Dec 15, 2004

Dec 8, 2004

Don' give up the fight!

I think there's really a fight.
and I've always been fighting to be ME
I think I've done well but the fight goes on ,
perhabs till the End of my life
and even then nobody knows have I won or Lost
Coz' there's no other side
and you simply win when
the other side loses
But I'm going on
I'll do my best anyway
Hope I'll die Me ;)

Dec 3, 2004

Signs of a Brave New World

everybody knows "JUST DO IT!"

also Check:

Don't think, Just shoot!
For Sony Cybershot

Instant Artist
an Image Editing Software

Fire and Forget
For Cruise Missile

I think this Brave New World all started Someday by Nestle with its NESCAFE.