Aug 1, 2004

How many disaters are enough?

Want to find out more about your country?
Let me show you a way.
Simply go to and search for Iran disaster
ofcourse you'll get quite many results but notice none of them are the same,
you have as many disasters as your search results, if nothing is missing ofcourse!

Have fun!


Anonymous said...

Dear roozbeh
are you always having fun from disasters ?
I rememeber once there were a covey of jackdaws attacking you in IUT forest ; I think this funny sence remains from that time.
dont worry and have fuuuuuun! continues and deeeeeeeep.
unless the whole life will become a disaster itself.

your old friend :
Mazdak Jabbari

Rouzbeh Hoseinabadi said...

wow, meeting a friend here is really fantastic,
it was the most exciting comment I'd ever seen here!

Thanks Mazdak

See you
Good luck